Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Text File
389 lines
__ ___________ _______________ ____________
/ / / _/ ___/ /_/ /_ __/ __/ _ \/ __/ __/ __ \
==== / /___/ // (_ / __ / / / _\ \/ ___/ _// _// /_/ / ====
/____/___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/ /___/_/ /___/___/_____/
__ ____ __________ __ ________
/ / / __ \/ ___/ _/ |/ / / _/ _/ Fully ASM coded
==== / /__/ /_/ / (_ // // / _/ /_/ / By Olly koenders
/____/\____/\___/___/_/|_/ /___/___/ 01-01-98
For Max's BBS 1.54 or the excellent /X\ax's Pro 2 by Niki M.
Sorry 'bout the heading - I coulda done better...
Anyhoo.. LightSpeed Login is a small Max's door that allows either anybody
or only users specified by the SysOp to enter their BBS without having to
crawl through the sometimes many brightly coloured (no matter how brightly
coloured, they can become a drag after a while!) adverts and "last caller"
doors on their long journey to the main menu.
Being this the second release many things have changed but most are internal
optimisations and fixes, others are new additions. Multinode operation is
supported although only to a minor extent which is covered later.
Inherent in the process that allows this fast login to occur, is a danger
that the user will lose carrier during a speed login and therefore an error
situation would have been created by the previous version. Let it be known
now that release 2 has error correction that's been completely verified and
tested in all situations (except HD crashes) and will function flawlessly
if the following instructions are followed..
Create a directory in "Doors:" called "Intros" - NO OTHER NAME WILL DO!
There are 2 script files that Max's BBS uses to execute these
"introductions", the first being "Introdoor.text" and then "Maindoor.text".
The mailcheck in between is Max's itself and is unavoidable..
Introdoor.text will look like this (just an example):
Intros/AnsiMAX text:MerryChrissie1.txt
Intros/AnsiMAX text:MerryChrissie2.txt
Intros/showansi text:intro1.text
Intros/AnsiMAX text:nwaug.text
...then Maindoor.text (another brilliant example):
filebase/newfiles 1
LightSpeed Login can be anywhere within these 2 scripts, you can even have
"LSL 1" somewhere in Introdoor.text and "LSL 2" in Maindoor.text. But the
first time it's run you MUST include the parameter "1" and the second time
"2" (ensure there are NO spaces after the "1" or "2" as Max's will insert a
space then the node number at the end of the line - expect problems if you
Copy all the door programs WITHIN the two mentions of LSL that you want to
be bypassed during a speed login to "Doors:Intros" and then set their paths
as shown above (just the executables, not all their accompanying impedimenta
unless they need it).
That's it!
LightSpeed Login will first attempt to find any errors pertaining to a
previous login (lost carrier), if nothing is wrong then it'll try to find
the "Doors:LSL/LSL.Names" file, and if the users name is found within the
user will be prompted for a fast login.
If "No" then nothing further will result but a "Yes" will invoke LightSpeed
Login to rename the "Intros" directory to "IntroX", therefore Max's can't
find the specified doors and will continue without complaint to the next
LSL invocation. From there the "IntroX" directory will be renamed back
If you want a door to execute from within the speed login then simply make
sure Max's can find it outside the "Intros" directory, or if you for some
reason want a door to execute ONLY during the speed login then reference
the door to the directory "IntroX".
As mentioned previously, if the user loses carrier during the speed login
before "LSL 2" can rename the directory back to "Intros", then the next
user will automatically trigger LightSpeed Login to repair this fault
before going through it's normal operations. Neat huh?
LSL.Names MUST contain names of the users in exact case, but can be entered
in almost any way:
Adolf Hitler
James Brown
Michelle Pfeiffer
James Brown was here, Michelle Pfeiffer loves me and Adolf Hitler was a
damn good bloke - NOT!!
If you wish to cut a user from the access file, then you must DELETE their
name, otherwise it'll still be found if it's in there.
The maximum functional size of the file is 10,000 bytes. No more than that
will be read into memory for parsing as that covers approximately 830
"special" people already - more than enough I think :)
If you wish ALL your users to enjoy speed logins for your birthday or any
other "special" occasion (like the cricket's been banned from telly for a
summer - YAY!) then temporarily rename the "LSL.Names" file to something
else so it can't be found, then LSL will allow free access to speed logins.
Only full and proper operation will be possible on Max's node 1. Node 2
and higher operation is only possible when the user is LOCAL (SysOp), as
the directory renaming process from LSL on one node will interfere with
the asynchronous running of LSL on any other node, and therefore problems
will result. The SysOp must be aware of this and ensure that any user on
node 1 is FULLY clear of the LSL envelope before even getting to the point
in the script where LSL is invoked the first time!
This "node 2+ LOCAL only" mode allows SysOps to quickly gain access to parts
of their BBS while testing, replying to mail etc. while users are on other
LightSpeed Login is freeware and may be distributed as you wish. Just don't
blame me if your HD crashes or your grandmother comes visiting..
Enjoy ;)
Gratuitous advertisement follows...
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